Sunday, September 12, 2010


As Gregg Braden writes in his book Fractal Time, The Secret to 2012 and a New World Age,  "The fractal view of the universe implies that everything from a single atom to the entire cosmos is made of just a few natural patterns." 

These evidences of fractals are also found within time and can be calculated using the mathematical principle of phi or .618.  Using this formula it is possible to anticipate the recurrent patterns in one's life based on the seed event.    

Right now I am trying to understand the existent pattern of fanaticism as it continually plays out within my marriage to a certifiable sports lunatic.  
How this pattern escaped my earlier notice and was able to embed itself in the better part of my life through the seed event of a matrimonial oversight is still a mystery to me.

Nothing is random in the universe and although we each have free will and the ability to turn left instead of right, we are also operating within a larger system of patterns and hierarchies that generally try to steer us in the right direction, if we would only pay attention.

Clearly, I was distracted up until the moment I said, "I do."

But these universal laws and conditions also imply that we are going to learn whatever lessons are specific to each one of us no matter which direction we ultimately take and that the only variable will likely be the circumstances surrounding the ways in which we learn them.

For instance, now that football season has commenced I could choose to exterminate my husband rather than continue my lessons in patience and cooperation over the disruption of all schedules, as they are now based around key games. There is now a complete disconnect between his body and his mind, which will last well beyond Super Bowl Sunday along with the declivitous mood swings resulting from favored teams failing to win the big game.  *The Big Game* I have come to understand, means *every game*. 

Certainly murder would take care of my immediate problem.  

Rather than learning how to endure the protracted broadcast of cheering throngs, over-zealous sports casters, cacophonous expletives and witnessing the inexplicable high jumps off the living room sofa;  I could be learning instead how to construct a shank from toilet paper rolls and calcified bed linens and to coexist peaceably with the other violent offenders in my cell block.

Unfortunately, either way I would still be given the lessons endemic to living among those who confound me.

I must understand that by learning how to see the larger picture and by working my way to a place of acceptance once the patterns within that picture become evident, I stand a better than average chance of transforming these outwardly murderous urges into inwardly rewarding epiphanies, which will ultimately bring me that much closer to who and what I really am.

At the moment my options hover somewhere between the dispositions of Joan d'Arc and Lizzie Borden.

It all does seem rather simplistic - this concept of fractals informing us that everything in the universe can be reduced down to a few basic, natural patterns and forms.

Yet I suppose that much like the outwardly simplistic doctrine of *non-judgement and unconditional love*, abiding by the clear cosmic principle against spousal extermination is more challenging than it first appears.

At the moment I am really struggling against my inclination to render my husband unconscious and deposit his limp body at the local sports bar where he can sit out the duration of the season.  

This ought to be a good indication of just how much further I have to go.

Right now, he is in no danger.

However, he might want to pack an overnight bag just in case.